Arts Review

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead Presented by The Island Of Misfit Players

New Benner Theatre, Metro Arts, West End, Brisbane

16th Oct - 20th Oct, 2024


Dr Gemma Regan


A unique and clever interpretation of an iconic classic 


The Island of Misfit Players delivered a comical and enthralling rendition of Tom Stoppard’s iconic 1960s comedy Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. The production of the play and The Island of Misfit Players developed from a small backyard performance created for family and friends during the pandemic in 2020. It came to fruition in 2023 when Assistant Director and Stage Manager Zara Chandler joined the group.


Starting from nothing, they constructed their own stage and scenery with hand-painted canvas backdrops and adaptable giant trees. Despite the stage looking rough and ready, built from wooden palettes, it had a charming appeal. As a fledgling troupe, this shows how much work and effort the group has devoted to this production.


Even if you are not overly familiar with Shakespeare’s tragedy, Hamlet, Stoppard’s satirical re-working of the play from the perspective of Hamlet's two least important characters is ingenious. They are two old school friends of Hamlet, and they visit him after his father's death, though it turns out that they are called to Denmark by King Claudius and Queen Gertrude. 


Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are paid by the evil King Claudius to come to Denmark and spy on Hamlet after he murdered Hamlet’s father (his brother) to marry the newly widowed Queen Gertrude and claim the crown. Instead of wandering on the periphery of the play, they are now the focus as the audience is enlightened by their philosophy addressing free will, death, and personal identity.


Thomas Eastwood is the Director playing Guildenstern, and Alexander (Xandy) Blue is the Creative Producer and Rosencrantz. They are excellent at portraying the two as an Elizabethan Laurel and Hardy, complete with pratfalls and petty arguments. All they needed was a long staircase and a piano!


Guildenstern is the Oliver Hardy of the two, making plans and taking control of their onerous spying task. Eastwood is flawless in his portrayal and, with a booming, resonant voice, makes an ideal Guildenstern. 


Likewise, Blue plays Rosencrantz like Stan Laurel, as a slim and rather dim-witted but loyal and optimistic friend. The comical chemistry between the two is palpable, and they were flawless in their rendition, instantly establishing the nature of their characters in the opening coin-tossing scene.


The other five actors play the Troop thespians, who are integral throughout, as well as other important characters such as Hamlet, who flits on and off stage haphazardly around Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Conner Scoble is a convincingly erratic Hamlet who is wary of the two despite having been school friends. 


As Claudius and the dim-witted thespian, Liam Kelly is the play's clown. His Marcel Marceau-styled faces are hilarious, utilising an absurd style of physical presence to express the character’s emotions.


Alex Beebe is mighty as the troupe leader, taking command of every situation and is an expert in the art of dying. Rachael Wooden and Tiana Varcoe are the chameleons of the show, portraying each of their characters seamlessly.


Despite the title Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, which satirically gives away the ending, the production differs from those I have seen. With fewer actors, there is less of the Hamlet background going on. However, they still incorporate the main gist with an Island Of Misfit flair. Small touches such as Bon Jovi’s Livin’ on a Prayer, played on the flute at the interval, were fabulous. 

The Island Of Misfit Players delivered a unique and entertaining interpretation of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. To quote from the play: Audiences know what to expect, which is all they are prepared to believe in. I knew what to expect from the play, but unlike the quote, I believe The Island Of Misfit Players have a bright future with hopefully many more creative productions to come!


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