Radio Reversal
Shreya, Anna, Natalie, Han, Lamisse, Aleea and Helen
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Radio Reversal is a show that subjects aspects of everyday life to historico-political, theoretical, cheeky, irreverent, high brow, low brow, eye brow, warm-hearted analysis. Our aim is to see the world more clearly, think about what we'd like it to become, and how we can make that happen. We think that discussing these sorts of ideas is one way to lessen the alienation that affects many of us trying to make sense of a world that so often makes no sense of us. We also play loads of awesome music (sometimes thematic!) with great enthusiasm for requests and an emphasis on supporting local artists. It's fun!
Email us! radio.reversal(at) Find our podcasts on Substack.
05 September, 2024
Challenging Colonial Copaganda & Telling the truth about colonial violence
This week on Radio Reversal, Anna brings you the final part of our Challenging Colonial Copaganda webinar with Associate Professor Amanda Porter, Professor Chelsea Watego & Dr. Amy McQuire, plus a recap of speeches recorded at the Strike for West Papua on Friday 29th August including Amatus Akouboo Douw, Remah Naji, and Lisa and TJ from the Pacific Climate Warriors.
We find a throughline between these topics in Dr. Amy McQuire's work, and her understanding of how colonial media functions both to spread colonial copaganda, AND to erase and obscure stories of Indigenous resistance, colonial violence, and state repression. We'll begin by reflecting a little on the result of the Northern Territory election, and the announcement by the CLP that they will reintroduce the use of spithoods (recognised in multiple jurisdictions as tools of torture) as well as lowering the age of criminal responsibility to 10 years old. These shocking, if unsurprising, "tough-on-crime" measures come on the heels of months of media-driven moral panic-inducing reporting on "out-of-control youth crime," and they're a worrying portent for the Queensland state election later this year.
Between colonial copaganda and "tough on crime" narratives on this continent, and the erasure of reporting on freedom struggles in West Papua and Kanaky, we'll be thinking this week about what the media does and doesn't report: what gets considered "newsworthy" and urgent, whose lives matter, and what gets left out of the story. We'll wrap up the show with recordings from the Free West Papua movement, and last Friday's mass day of action for West Papua. And we'll reflect on the relationship between the OVER-reporting on settler hysteria about "youth crime" versus to complete failure of the colonial media to report on genocide in Palestine or West Papua, or complex civil war in Sudan, or imperialist-capitalist ecological and political crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo, or Indigenous resistance in Kanaky and across Turtle Island.
All in all - another huge show! Tune in or listen back, and don't forget to send us your thoughts, suggestions, critiques, and proposals for future shows!
Thelma PlumFrecklesLOCAL 09:03:00
AletheaSovereignLOCAL 09:12:00
3%Kids You Couldn't KillLOCAL 09:28:00
Rafeef ZiadahWe Teach Life (The Palestine I Know)AUS 09:42:00
Alpheus and Dr CuzBlack Lives Matter in West Papua 09:55:00