Friday Neon
Quentin Ellison
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
It's a chill out session with great tunes and guests on any issue, be it music, arts, social or something to get off the chest.
Listeners Subscribe to Podcast on Divers A Tea and Talk here.
28 March, 2025
Tenzin ChoegyalMountainLOCAL
Fun Lovin' CriminalsScooby Snacks
The Flaming LipsDo You Realize
Cable TiesHopeAUS
Dead Dirty DinosaursLoose GroundLOCAL
The CutawaysCheap CurtainsLOCAL
Mitch, PleaseRunning BuddyLOCAL
Bob Vylan ft. Amy TaylorDream Big (remix)
Kathleen Turner OverdriveBest DogLOCAL
The GlycereensJohnny and Dee DeeLOCAL
Mick Medew and UrsulaPunk GrandmaLOCAL
The LemonheadsMy Drug Buddy
Throwing MusesNot Too Soon
The DronesShark Fin BluesAUS
Briggs ft GurrumulThe Children Came BackAUS
WhoroborosThere Goes The NeighbourhoodLOCAL
Last QuokkaEat The RichAUS
Elektronik Girl EpicI Love Stealing From WooliesAUS
PortisheadGlory Box
Roger KnoxBlack Tear TracksLOCAL
Cherry ChainNightcrawlerAUS
Charlie Needs BracesWompooLOCAL
CW StonekingRich Mans BluesAUS
10,000 ManiacsLike The Weather (live)
Alice SkyeStay In BedAUS