Live Review

Lime Cordiale @ The Foundry

Sydney’s Lime Cordiale returned to Brisbane on Saturday night for a killer performance at The Foundry with supports Youth Allowance and Jouk Mistrow. Although the crowd lacked in numbers (certainly less than a band of their quality deserves) the band’s reputation for having an energetic live show remains intact. Effortlessly charismatic, Lime Cordiale entertain like no other. Those charming hair flicks and their witty banter perfectly compliment the nostalgic summer sound.

Post teenage-rockers Jouk Mistrow begin the night’s entertainment with a great set filled with a mix of songs from both EP’s Did We? and I’m The Villian So Don’t. This local three-piece continue to prove themselves worthy of any and all attention as they execute a diverse range of high quality songs. Many might notice a few familiar faces on stage too, as half of Jouk Mistrow are also in several other Brisbane bands. For a relatively young group, they show great promise thanks mostly to their refined sound and interesting lyrics. Set highlights include A Silhouette as one of the more upbeat rhythmic tracks and Deers a powerful lyric driven song.

As the crowd grows, Youth Allowance make their way on stage to pick up from where the Mistrow guys left all. Front man William Briskey is quick to capitalise on the larger crowd as he invites people to dance and entertains with the back stories of songs. Whilst introducing the band’s most recent release Don’t Ever Want To Be You Briskey explains it’s a new direction for Youth Allowance, which they will cement with upcoming tracks. It is during this song that guitarist Sam Murchie breaks his guitar strap and has to take a seat for the remainder of the set after failing to find a replacement.

For those unfamiliar with Lime Cordiale’s music, imagine the feeling of summer days, road trips, beaches, bars and small towns and transfer that into a sound. Their presence alone on stage brings an excited hustle amongst the crowd as they tune and set up their equipment. Brothers Oli and Louis Leimbach alternate as front man for the first half of the set, though as things progress it is Louis who takes the lead. The band play their 2013 single Sleeping At Your Door second in the set, a clever choice as it certainly hypes up the crowd and gives everyone a taste of the energy that is to come. Lime Cordiale have toured around the country both as headliners and supports for a while now, and their experience does not go unnoticed. In between tracks they cover all manner of topics including their opinions of Sydney’s Lockout Laws in which Oli asks, “Wait… So you can leave a venue at 1:30am and then come back in? What’s that like?” The collective vocal strength of the entire band left listeners in awe as they smashed out hit after hit from all three EP’s. Pretty Girl finished with all members picking up a brass or woodwind instrument to echo out the orchestral ending of the song. But it is 2015 EP singles, Not That Easy, Hanging Upside Down and closing song Feel Alright, which are noticeably rewarded with elevated energy from the crowd. A rather vocal member of the crowd is invited onstage to entertain during the final song which he takes as an opportunity to grab the bands wine bottle and start swigging from it. Unfortunately, due to a delayed start Bullshit Aside had to be cut from the set at late notice which did not go unnoticed by a few fans.

The Foundry was filled with summer sounds created by Lime Cordiale in a show that crowd members wished never to end. Although numbers were disappointing for a Saturday night (even with $5 entry) the entertainment was anything but. Jouk Mistrow and Youth Allowance perfectly set the scene for the main event as all three acts poured their soul into an intimate show. Be sure you’re not the one to miss out next time any of them play.

- Isabelle Armstrong


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