Arts Review

Aunty Donna @ Brisbane Powerhouse (BCF 2016)

Sketch comedy group, and all around great blokes, Aunty Donna abandoned their trendy cafés in Melbourne to come to the mean, gritty streets of Brisbane. More specifically, the gritty stage of the Brisbane Powerhouse. For one hour of high intensity, somewhat improvised, don’t-tell-your-mother, try-not-to-fall-off-your-seat comedy.

Aunty Donna consists of Mark (Beardie), Zach (Big Eyes), and Brodean (Man-Beast). Originally from Melbourne, they started out as regulars on the community television stage, Channel 31, even boasting an annual Australia Day Special full of chaos and poor planning; not unlike their comedy. Their big break came thanks to the ABC Fresh Blood initiative, which allowed them airtime through iView. This brought traction to their YouTube channel, and since then they’ve boasted a whole range of successful, obscure sketches and even a few mini-series.

Aunty Donna is many things: Australian drinking & clubbing culture; Café Culture; Indian Food puns; Musical; Dramatic; Visual; Sometimes low-brow, sometimes high-brow, but always spectacular when it comes to production value. The only exception to this is their new Snapchat, which was heralded in their tour. If you are interested in the life of travelling comedians with affinities for fancy cocktails and very vocal, unadulterated views concerning the Oscars, it might be worth checking out.

Their show? In one word? Sweat. This is due to three things. Their formal attire. Their constant movement. Their amazing dancing. It’s the only show I’ve ever seen where I simply didn’t stop laughing from the moment they walked on stage, to the moment they took their bows to a standing ovation. Literally, my jaw ached for days. There is something about the freedom in their sketches that is risky, terrifying and hilarious. From their renditions of the Kelly brothers as marionette puppets, their grossly inaccurate racial stereotypes, or their intermission wherein they told spooky stories about a terrible city where all the kitchens close at 3:30pm, it was the kind of experience you know would be unique each night. At one point, King Wallaby Wallaboroo (the King of Australia) even made a guest appearance. That was reason enough to give up my night.

For all their jest, the boys are some of the most talented physical performers, and actors touring in Australia to date. When they met with their fans after the show, they assumed completely different roles. Their extraverted characters were juxtaposed by humble, down to earth, artists who seemed appreciative of their fan base and the opportunities afforded to them. 

Aunty Donna’s new show was brilliant, and affirmed that we will be seeing a lot more of these loveable boys for many, many years to come.

- Tom Glassey


Quick Listens

'The Resting Place' by Tracey and Terri

'Henry the 5th' opening monologue by Blair Martin

Blair Martin - '3 little pigs' by the Mad Hatter

Pepper Jane

Mark Doherty

The Kunins

Cate Kileva

Sepia Blue


Leo Hooker

Dimitris Papageorgiou

Voodoo Drummer


Jim Ottaway

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