Four Layers of Zed - Brisbane Live Music Week
MARCH 23 - 29
Brisbane Live Music Week will dedicate seven days to promoting and supporting Brisbane's live music scene and all those involved. The folk at 4ZZZ and our like-minded friends have been putting together a variety of fun stuff to coincide with the week, including our FREE live music event 'Four Layers of Zed'!
A multi-stage live music mini festival at the Underdog on March 29, 'Four Layers of Zed' will feature four rooms of Brisbane music goodness:
Front Bar - We All Want To, McKisko, Naked Maja, Tape/Off
Public Bar - Kellie Lloyd, Steve Towson, Darren Madeo, Claire Quinn
Dining Room - Nana Vigilante, Extra Foxx, Girls Girls Girls, Gerald Keaney and the Gerald Keaneys
Upstairs DJ Room - Rikki Newton, Domestic Sphere, Polo (Watch Your Step)
Did we mention we're putting all this on for free? Thanks to our friends at APRA and their wonderful Music Grants -