Australian South Sea Islanders (ASSI) were trafficked in the 1860s Blackbird trade… tricked or kidnapped as “Indentured Labourers” to work our sugarcane fields and clear land for cropping.
4ZZZ’s Eliot Rifkin spoke with Starrett Vea Vea the chairman from MADASSIA (Mackay and District Australian South Sea Islander Association) about Queensland’s Australian South Sea Islanders' hidden history and what’s up with their community today
If you want to get involved with or learn more about the ASSI (Australian South Sea Islander) community visit - MADASSIA and follow them on Facebook
For a deep dive…
There’s some history, current projects, events and personal stories on the Australian South Sea Islanders Secretariat website as well as an easy history introduction on State Library Queensland’s Australian South Sea Islander page
Here’s a short 10 min. documentary “Blackbirding in Queensland Australia” as well as some info on Bundaburg’s South Sea islander Wall
…and finally, here’s the 1994 Queensland Government Recognition Statement